I’ve heard the suggestions from Snippery’s users who wanted more security on some aspects of the app functionality. So I implemented these for the next release… and even more! Security is one of the paramount aspects on Snippery 1.1 that adds to the already available encryption feature (128 bits, secure enough, strong enough)!
In first place, the Encryption feature asks for password confirmation, just to make sure you’ve entered it correctly, and avoiding this way possible headaches in the case you finger slipped over the keyboard with a wrong keystroke or two. Moreover, now it is possible to decide if you want the password being saved on the System Keychain or if you prefer to write the password each time you run Snippery. Obviously the second option is more secure.
And remember, if data security is one of your concerns don’t forget to use a password long enough and unusual (for example, a word or word combination not included on the dictionary).

Security when you’re away from your computer too!
In second place, Snippery 1.1 has the capacity to Lock the access to the app after five minutes of idle time, by default. When triggered, it hides the main window and only shows the Password window. Of course, when the Password window is active, nobody can use or access the application data.

This feature only is triggered if the app’s database has been previously encrypted, otherwise it will not have any sense because anyone would access the main database file and inspect their contents using a regular text editor. So, once again, if you are using Snippery to save important text snippets or other private information, make sure to use the Encrypt feature from start. Good data security starts at that point.

In addition, it is possible to adjust the idle time period to another value with the option available in the Preferences Window. This way you can make it more suitable for your personal needs, although you can always force the Lock status using the keyboard shortcut Command + Option + L. This way, you can lock Snippery with a simple keystroke if you need to get up from the chair for some errands or other activity away from the computer.
Finally, the backup feature encrypts the backed file when the Snippery database is encrypted; otherwise it will create the backup as a regular database where their contents are inspectable using a regular text editor. So the data security is not only present on your main database but also on the backed files!
When will be available Snippery 1.1, and thus these security features (among others)? Soon, stay tuned! Meanwhile, you can Download free the Snippery Trial, and don’t forget to get the trial license using the form available on the product page!
Have suggestions or comments about Snippery? Let me know!