Stamp Release Notes

Stamp: productivity app for OS XStamp 1.0

Last release:
Published Date: 2016/10/22
MD5: a3657f5a7cb95a08f85e7049798b6e23


Stamp 1.0.4

[Fixed] a nasty bug that, under some circumstances, was impeding copying properly the selected text at first try.

[Added] Command-Up Arrow and Command-Down Arrow keyboard shortcuts to select the first and last entry of the listbox, respectively. This feature is available for the listbox on the Main Window and Templates Window.

[Added] Command-F keyboard shortcut to set the focus and text insertion on the Search field.

[Added] Command-Shift-A keyboard shortcut to show all the available entries.


Stamp 1.0.3

[Fixed] the problem that was impeding the automatic logout of macOS.


Stamp 1.0

Initial release of Stamp, the productivity app for OS X 10.7 and later that let you save keystrokes typing on repetitive text! Easy, fast and it don’t hurt your pocket.


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