Has been a long way since his first inception and use on the Snippery App. Now, much more improved and refined, this 100% Xojo code un-encripted class is available for purchase, so anyone can implement it on their own Console, Desktop, Web or RaspberryPi projects, under 32 and 64 bits and for macOS, Windows and […]
Categoría: Software
Hide for OS X: Desktop clutter under control!
How many times have you wanted to get ride of all the clutter on the OS X Desktop? Maybe you were in a hurry for a presentation, screencast recording or screen sharing (among other scenarios).
Snippery 1.1: Improved Data Security
I’ve heard the suggestions from Snippery’s users who wanted more security on some aspects of the app functionality. So I implemented these for the next release… and even more! Security is one of the paramount aspects on Snippery 1.1 that adds to the already available encryption feature (128 bits, secure enough, strong enough)!
Markdown support is coming to Snippery (Sneak Preview)
As probably you know, Snippery is the last app I’ve launched recently for OS X. It is more than just a way to collect, categorize and search for all your text snippets, code fragments or any important data you may have and that you want to store safely (in fact, Snippery let you encrypt […]