CASTELLÓN (SPAIN) —19 August 2019- Javier Rodríguez ( ) announces the immediate release of AXImageCanvas for Xojo Desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux; 32 and 64 bits).
AXImageCanvas greately simplifies the task of displaying a Picture into the containing control area, with the ability to correctly display the image maintaining its original aspect ratio keeping the original picture at its full resolution. This can be done with any dropped image from inside the app, via a Picture File dropped from the Desktop, or another Picture dropped from another AXImageCanvas control or executing App, plus any copied picture from another app or source. Of course, the displayed image can be set programmatically, just passing the desired Picture Object (instance).

If the dropped image comes from a File, then the AXImageCanvas instance will keep a reference to the original FolderItem, so it is possible to do additional operations on it.
AXImageCanvas supports the Copy, Paste, Cut, Clear (Delete) and Undo actions selected from the app menu or using the equivalent keyboard shortcuts. The Undo feature provides a maximum of ten recoveries per AXImageCanvas instance.
AXImageCanvas supports the following picture formats:
- GIF (first frame)
AXImageCanvas and Databases
AXImageCanvas instances can be used in combination of any of the currently supported database engines (Database Edition):
- SQLite.
- MySQL / MariaDB.
- PostgreSQL.
In these cases, and in addition of the previously described features (among others), it will take care of the usual CRUD operations; getting the picture for the specified record, creating new records, updating the current record or deleting the current displayed record (more on this a bit later).
This class also brings methods and capture keyboard events allowing navigation through the records: first record, last record, next record, previous record; even if their ID are not consecutive.
By default the navigation between records works in Wrap Around mode, so if the user is displaying the picture for the first record and invokes the Previous record action, then it will display the last picture on the table database. Otherwise, if the user is displaying the picture of the last record and invokes the Next record action, then the AXImageCanvas instance will display the first record of the table database. This behaviour can be changed setting the LoopThroughRecords Property, in combination with the NavigateRecords property.
The database engine used by the control instances can be changed on the fly!
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Price and Availability
AXImageCanvas 1.0 has a price of 30.00 euros for the Standard Edition, and 60.00 euros for the Database Edition; and can be downloaded and purchased directly from .
Anyone can use the AXImageCanvas class from the IDE without restrictions when running your own apps in Debug Mode; but a license is required when you’re ready to Build a project containing this class.
In brief:
Name: AXImageCanvas 1.0
Standard Edition Product webpage
Standard Edition Price: EUR 30.00
Database Edition Product webpage
Database Edition Price: EUR 60.00
Trial Mode: Yes
Trial Limitations: No Limitations